That time I used twitter to orchestrate an icing of Hacking Dave...
Why is there a Tropical Fruit flavor?!?
This is a small tale of one of the many shenanigans that ensue when you get a bunch of hackers together in the same area for a few days. One of the traditions of Derbycon is a little game called 'Icing'. You can Ice people with Smirnoff Ice which is a questionable beverage at best. These Derbycon Smirnoff have usually been enhanced by being heated up as well (Yuck level +10... gross). So you find a target and hand them a warm Smirnoff and they must chug it down. (Side note - totally OK to decline an Icing - nobody is forced to do anything at Derbycon they don't want to) There are defensive bracelets available for purchase which proceeds support Hackers for Charity. However if your Icer has more bracelets than you, your defense is invalidated. Derbycon founder, Hacking Dave Kennedy usually ices a speaker or two mid talk which is totally awesome.
@HackingDave sneak attack on @JaysonStreet mid talk
So Saturday evening @Skydog was setting up his ID maker machine in the Hyatt lobby. I missed out on an ID the previous year and I decide to jump in line. While tweeting for people to come get in line for one of Skydog's awesome badges I notice this message from @HumanHacker Chris Hadnagy:
I'm not equipped with any Smirnoff Ice... but I know somebody that is. So I hit up @Nullspace on DM.
I don't know the specifics of where @nullspace was, how he found @HackingDave or how he made his Ice-hit go down right next to the Skydog ID badge line I was standing in. But sometimes things just work out perfectly and this happened 4 minutes after my DM:
Tropical Icey Goodness for Hacking Dave and Nullspace getting photo proof for Human Hacker
The inevitable face you make after getting Iced
I get entertained while waiting in line, Nullspace gets a free ticket to BourbonCon, Human Hacker gets a payback on Hacking Dave, Hacking Dave gets to experience the magic of Tropical Fruit flavored Smirnoff Ice... everbody wins! Oh and Hacking Dave, no need for revenge plotting. I was collateral damage Iced by Nullspace about 90 seconds later.
So Gross... Thanks Nullspace
All fun and games aside, a huge thanks to Dave Kennedy and all the staff for everything that is Derbycon. The infosec community is a better place because of this conference. This year was my 2nd Derbycon and 1st time ever as a conference speaker. One of the talks I saw on OSINT last year at Derbycon set me on a path that helped me find my way into my own Infosec career. See you next year Derbycon!
PS Thanks for the badge @Skydog and for making it awkward @JaysonStreet